Friday, September 28, 2007

Recent Speaking Engagements

I have been asked to do a number of speaking engagements over the past month. It has been a great experience. In early September, I spoke to John Hancock Insurance employees in Boston in an educational program on Medicaid and Medicare. It was part of their employee assistance program to help inform them about health insurance issues that they may face when helping an elder or looking more down the road for themselves. I thought it was a terrific topic to discuss, because I find that so many families don't know anything about the Medicare and Medicaid until it is time to use it. To start to think about the "gaps" in care and how to prepare for it is important. I was able to share my experiences with families who were in crisis mode because they never planned to manage their family member's health care. Information will not change the "suprise" moment when we start caregiving another adult, however information on Medicare and Medicaid will take some of the fire out of the crisis.

On September 21st, I spoke to the Haverhill Rotary Club about Adult Caregiving. The group was very welcoming and asked many good questions. I brought the Adult Caregiving Guide that Right at Home has produced with Secure Horizons. In the end, I didn't bring enough. It was a really nice group. You can download a copy of our Adult Caregiving Show Me Guide by going to the national Right at Home website and you will see the PDF option on the left.

Next week, I am speaking on a panel for the law offices of Vincent Bonazzolli. His office specializes in estate planning and he runs informational seminars for his clients and their families. His office is in Lynnfield, MA and I have found him and his office staff to be extremely professional and great to work with.

The other members of the panel will be Dianne Savistano of HealthAssist.
Healthassist offers expert consulting, coaching, information and assistance to demystify healthcare and help consumers make the best decisions for their health. She is particularly helpful with helping people with a hard diagnosis (cancer) and helping them navigate through the insurance and the healthcare decisions.

Eileen Berman of Independent Living Solutions. Eileen is an excellent Geriatric Care Manager that works with families all over the North Shore. Right at Home works with her to help many clients.

Dick Cote of Good Life Providers will also be on the panel. This service
provides home safety, modification and property maintenance service specializing in the needs of senior home owners. Ongoing maintenance is critical to maintaining a safe and comfortable home as well as enhancing the property value while preventing minor problems from developing into major headaches. I am honored to be presenting with them all

Sunday, September 16, 2007

North Shore Women In Business Membership Drive

I am the chair of the Membership Committee and we are running a drive for new members. Any guest can come to our September breakfast at the member price. Also, if you join in September, you will get a great tote bad with the NSWIB logo filled with promotional items from our members. Come check us out. Go to our website at!

New Developments at Right at Home

We have added a new key staff member here at Right at Home. Meet Lynne Nieman our new Community Relations Coordinator. Lynne joins us after 12 years of medical administration. She also is a Reiki Practioner that has been doing demonstrations for elders at different long term care facilities.

She was attracted by Right at Home because she has always felt great compassion for Alzheimer's patients and wanted to help the cause of finding a cure. Last year she started selling the Alzheimer's Bracelet with a portion of the proceeds going to the Alzheimer's Association. All of our female employees are now wearing the bracelet proudly! It is beautiful! Email Lynne if you want to find out more about the bracelet at

Lynne has a great sense of humor and will be out in the community educating people about Right at Home and how we can help people stay independent and safe at home.

OCT 1- Lynne's story was picked up in the Marblehead and Swampscott Reporter!! Her picture looked great!

CEU Program- Differentiating Dementia, Delirium and Depression among the Elderly

Differentiating Dementia, Delirium and Depression among the Elderly

This is a great educational program for professionals working with older clients in a long term care environment. At the completion of this program the participants will have an enhanced understanding of the underlying etiology of Depression, Dementia and Delirium. You will be able to identify the difference in their presentation and treatment. A comprehensive review of diagnosis, treatment and pharmacological interventions for each condition will be discussed. This program is offered by Education Solutions for Long Term Care in accordance with the Massachusetts Board of Registration for Continuing Education, 244-CMR.
1 Contact Hour
Presented by Susan Jamison RN. MS. CS.

****WHERE:19 Front Street, Salem, MA
****WHEN: September 20, 2007 at 8:00 AM
*****RSVP: Lynne Nieman 978-744-5151 or

Free Breakfast Provided
Validated Parking at East India Mall Garage