Saturday, October 11, 2008

What is next for this country?

I just looked at my IRA account....some pretty bad news in there! I just feel the need to spout off a little this afternoon.

After our current presidential administration was elected to a second term by the margin of a little county in Ohio, I thought...gosh, we deserve what we get after this election! Who knew it would be as disastrous as this? We have seen the dilution of every institution or public owned entity we have ever markets, retirement, physical infrastructure, public education, healthcare and the list goes on and on.....

As a society, I think that we have adopted an attitude of "you're on your own, baby"...I think we all feel like we are out here on our own, without a caring or solid society underneath it all. I don't know what the silver lining is to these thoughts (and as a generally positive person I can usually see one), and I don't really want to get too morose. Who knows, maybe after the crash of it all, our society will start to focus that which is really important-supporting families, healthcare for everyone, education, bridges that don't fall apart...etc., etc

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