Monday, March 30, 2009

Saturday Boston Globe Article

Did anyone read the Boston Globe article on Saturday regarding home health aides and concern about financial and other abuse? What the Globe failed to make clear was that this is the PCA program where disabled people (or elders) hire the worker themselves and the state reimburses them. We have always thought that this program was fraught with risks. It seems that these abuses have escalated.

The Globe did not mention that if there was an agency managing these employees then the client would have some measure of protection. There would be background checks in place and supervision. There would also be professional insurance to protect the client. The Globe seems to be calling for more oversight in the program and a departmente created at the state. Massachusetts doesn't need anymore overwhelmed departments. They should allow disabled people to use the state home care program if they are so concerned. Here is the link...Do you have any thoughts?

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